Building a Character

Level 0

Every character has 3-4 "levels" before level 1. They don't quite work the same way as character levels. They describe your innate abilities, training, background, etc.

There are several types of background "level":

The process of selecting these "levels" (need better names here) replaces the following in d20/5e/system 7/etc:

While level 1 offers normal choices, the above will be determined by the selections made in this step.

Level 1 and onward

Using 3.5 style classes. Why? Because I've had 12 years to think of something better and I can't.

Class determines:

  • (up)
  • (cur)
  • basics
  • character creation
  • damage
  • feats
  • power costs
  • powers
  • skills
  • stuff